Thursday, April 23, 2009

8 men in 8 hours

It took 8 men exactly 8 hours to pack and load everything we have accumulated over the past 18 or so years. It takes a lot of preparation, planning and organizing to prepare for such a big move. I spent days and days getting everything ready. I wanted to get more done than I did, but it's too late now. It's packed...dust, dirt, and all. It's always a huge relief once the house is finally packed and done. But at the same time it's a very strange feeling knowing that everything you own is in someone else's possession. All we have now is what will fit in a suitcase. Now we pray that it all actually arrives!!

In the mean time, Matt & Alex are living on what the military refers to as 'loaner furniture'. It's nothing special, but serves the purpose. They will have quite the little bachelor pad for the next several weeks. But they have all the other words, a computer, TV, X-BOX, bed, couch, chair....What more could a guy want, right?

Hmmm, she fits, so why not????? Would make for a much quieter and easier flight to Oklahoma...

Truck #1

Praying that the dark, cloudy skies go away....

Truck #2...They sealed the last crate literally minutes before it started to rain!!

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