Monday, October 1, 2007

Adoption cyber world

Now that I am no longer employed, I find that I have lots more free time to do things that I use to never have time in point, this blog! I could easily spend hours on the computer reading all the adoption rumors, reading other people's adoption blogs, adoption chat groups, etc. I sometimes find myself a little addicted to the adoption cyber world, and have to bring myself back to reality. But as I said before, my reality is I'm still waiting. So here I sit on the computer.

There are currently lots of rumors floating around about the next set of referrals that should be arriving any day now. Most of the rumors are NOT good news, but after almost 2 years of reading rumors I have accepted them for what they are...rumors. I try not to let my heart get too involved until it becomes fact. Unfortunately, the fact of Chinese adoptions right now is that the wait continues to lengthen and no one knows for certain exactly why. Everyone seems to have their own theories, but no one really knows for sure. Think of how little we know about the inner workings of our own can a foreigner ever really understand the inner workings of the Chinese government and how it operates it's international adoptions?

Back to reality, and off to bed. Tomorrow is a new day and most likely a new set of rumors. I'll keep you posted should anything factual actually take place.

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