Friday, September 7, 2007

LADYBUGS and the crib

Ladybugs are considered a lucky charm and a sign of good fortune. They have become a symbol of good luck for families adopting from China. It is common to see pictures of ladybugs on literature, blogs, and books related to Chinese adoption. At first I thought the whole ladybug idea was a little corny and I didn't really buy into it. Now, 2 years later, I have decided to embrace the whole ladybug belief. Hey, anything to bring a little "luck" to speed up our referral.

Tara is going to share a room with the baby, at least while we live in Italy. Several months ago I found a really cute bedspread that was yellow with ladybugs and butterflies, so I bought it for Tara's bed. An added bonus was that it matched the red furniture that use to be in Alex's room that we moved into Tara's room. So now I have decided to stick with the ladybug theme for the baby's crib....which by the way we put up last week! We have had the crib for several months and I just decided I wanted to put it up, so we did. Anyway, I have been searching online for ladybug bedding, and there are several to choose from. Once I get it all done I will post a picture.

People say that when it's time for the CCAA to match you with your child, an indication will be that you will start to see ladybugs on certain days, usually many of them. So start looking for those ladybugs and let me know when you see them!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Marla, It's me Michelle ,Cindy's friend, First I would like you to know that I have really enjoyed your "blog" espicially the pictures, they are great and since I will proably never see Italy, you have made it possible:),I read about the ladybug theme for the girl's room and then ran across this didn't know if it is something you would like but thought it couldn't hurt to send:(, please post more pics,lol, I may see the world yet!Good Luck and God Bless you and your family....Michelle