Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Portia...this one's for you!

Portia, on her blog has tagged me to write 7 weird or random facts about myself. When I read this I immediately panicked because quite frankly the pressure to think of 7 random facts about myself was difficult. I realize I must be the most ordinary person on the planet (maybe that should be my first random fact). Or maybe I'm so incredibly random and weird that I don't even know it. So after a few days of brainstorming (in between life with 3 kids) this is what I came up with:

1) My bedroom is always a disaster zone. It always has been and probably always will be. I never put away clothes and my bedroom is my catch all for everything that does not have a ‘place.’ My bedroom door will forever remain closed when I have company.

2) Which leads me to my next fact…my next house will be purchased based upon the size of the closets. I hate, hate, hate not having big closets and places to put my junk. It might be my dream house, but no walk-in closets, no deal.

3) I’m not admitting my age, but I can remember when my mom got our first microwave, our first VHS player, and even more shocking…I can remember owning and playing 8-track tapes!! As for the presidential election....I remember when Jimmy Carter was elected. Geez, I’m getting old.

4) As far as I’m concerned, chocolate is a food group. No seriously, I will wilt away and die without chocolate.

5) I do not have an athletic bone in my body. I am not a sports fan. But I do love watching Alex play sports. I love cheering him on from the sidelines. I love it when he wins and feel his disappointment when he loses. I’m his #1 fan (well, Matt might be his #1 fan, but I run a close number 2).

6) I lived in the same house until I was 16 years old and then we moved to another house 5 miles away. I went to the same high school that both my mom & dad attended. I graduated with 47 people in my high school class. Nearly all of them I knew since kindergarten. Needless to say, I grew up in small town America (in Oklahoma).

7) I love cowboys. My wonderful husband (who I love with all my heart) is NOT a cowboy. Go figure.

Ok, so part of the rules state that I am suppose to 'tag' 7 of my friends. Honestly, I don't think I have 7 friends that will participate. I'm also suppose to link their blog to my blog and I have no idea how to do that. But at least tonight I can sleep without trying to think of anymore random or weird facts about myself. I can move on. Task completed.

1 comment:

Portia Cason said...

Thanks Marla! I'm with you on the closets!