Sunday, January 13, 2008

Two years of waiting

Yesterday was our 2 year anniversary of the day our paperwork was officially logged in with the China Center for Adoption Affairs. Two years ago we were told our wait would be 6-8 months. Now, two years later, we are still looking at a 6-8 month wait. It's as though time has stood still in regards to our adoption. But in those two years of waiting I have thought about our daughter every single day. I have periods of time that she is ALL I think about. I have tried to stay active with our adoption plans: in the two years of waiting I have tried to read every book I can about adoption, I have started an adoption support group here in Naples, I have made friends with other adoptive families, I have joined internet groups with other adoptive parents, and I scan the internet daily looking for all the latest information on Chinese adoptions. I have learned a lot, and know that I still have much to learn.

This wait has been difficult in so many ways. I struggle with it everyday and often find myself questioning and worrying about the details of when it will all happen. But I do know with absolute certainty that with every passing day our desire to finally meet and hold our baby does not diminish, instead it grows stronger and stronger. We feel more certain about our decision to adopt today than we did two years ago. We want her, we love her, and we know that she is part of God's plan for our lives. We know that our family will not be complete until we bring her home. So we wait for as long as it takes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how long these two years have seemed. You guys are in our thoughts!